Today’s guest brings a fresher approach to a renewed lifestyle through various essential suggestions. Let’s listen!
Flavors and Knowledge

Italy Tours 2022

Welcome back to Flavors and knowledge.

Those of you following our podcast know that I like to share notions about food and healthy eating habits that could help you in expanding your knowledge. In addition, I hope to turn you into a better shopper while selecting the right ingredients for better nutrition. So often, we purchase food on impulse or in family habits, which is not necessarily correct.

This new segment on the podcast is called “FOCUS 5”. We invite trade professionals with various backgrounds, always related to lifestyle, and, of course, food is a significant component. Essentially we ask five questions about those who can make a difference in our life. Our guest is a lady of particular interest. I am always intrigued by those who help others make responsible decisions and shape our lives for the better.

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Jennifer Helene, M.S. is an international health expert, fully immersed in cutting-edge nutrition, fitness, and spiritual thought leadership. In addition, she is a serial entrepreneur and builds programs for health coaching, lifestyle change, mentoring programs, training the trainers.

Former FORD model, Master Chef as a (FOX-TV) cast member, mother, seeker of truth, runs Purpose-ful Ventures, helping Moms succeed in revitalizing their lives, relationships, businesses, and health. Visit Jennifer Helene’s website and other delightful info on her programs and products.

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Thanks for listening. Eat safe! Ciao Chef W

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