Bakers rarely share their secrets, but I am much more generous, therefore put these suggestions to use next time you make cannoli from scratch.

FOTO: Sicily and Abruzzo Tours 2022

Buongiorno amici: happy cannoli day!

Sicilians take their cuisine very seriously, and when making sweets, the level of precision becomes an obsession. The workhorse of this Mediterranean island is undoubtedly the cannolo, among the most popular. Still, Sicily delights your palate with almond, marzipan, pistachio cream, gelato, sorbet with fresh fruit, and many more, including an endless selection of biscuits and cookies that change from town to town, and with solid religious connections.

The Sicilian cannoli is a perfect fusion of sweetness and fragrance that delight the palate bite after bite. With an authentic recipe for the filling, you will master a tremendously rich creamy ricotta filling, but the making of the shell is much more daunting.

Many know that adding this ingredient is enough for a perfect crunchy Sicilian cannoli shell pierced with tiny bubbles and ideal texture. The component in question is white vinegar, and two tablespoons added to the dough will be sufficient in developing a crumbly and tasty shell. In addition, the vinegar reacts well with the other ingredients, providing an elastic and shapeable dough.

If you like to try it, follow any favorite typical cannoli shell recipe, you probably have one of your own. After you mix the flour, the eggs, the sugar, the lard, the cocoa, and the wine, you are ready for the vinegar. You may be skeptical about using fat (lard), but butter or margarine do not have the same effect on the crunchiness.

Once fried, the cannoli will take on their typical shape and texture. Therefore, it is equally essential to roll out the dough thinly and with a thickness of about one millimeter. Of course, don’t forget to flour the board well when you shape the dough. A perfect shape, one like an ëye”is your goal- more rounded in the center and with two points at the ends.

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Unfortunately, pastry chefs hardly reveal the secret of their desserts, but, in addition to vinegar, there are other vital well-known tricks. For example, brushing one of the sides ends with egg yolk prevents the cannoli opening during cooking. As for the cannoli tubes, I advise purchasing aluminum ones for convenience and ease of washing. I also suggest using a weight while frying the cannoli in hot vegetable oil to obtain a golden-brown color on both sides. Finally, suppose you don’t own any weight; keep pushing down the shells until fully submerged. With these secrets, the cannoli will be perfectly crunchy and with plenty of tiny craters. If you have leftover shells after your task, crumbling them into a cheesecake or a rich parfait can give you other succulent desserts with plenty of texture. I will share a good cannoli recipe from Sicily soon.

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