‘We The Italians’ Launches Go Fund Me Campaign to Raise Funds in Support of Most Important Hospital in Italy for Contagious Diseases

‘We The Italians’ Against Coronavirus

Dear friends,
As some of you all know, I’ve started a daily videobroadcast from Italy on lockdown, to better explain what’s happening here in Italy. There are six videos already published on our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/WetheItalians?sub_confirmation=1
We the Italians has also started a fundraising in favour of Spallanzani Hospital, the most important Italian hospital for contagious diseases. In the video on this page, the Director General of Spallanzani Hospital Marta Branca thanks We the Italians and the whole Italian American community, explains the situation in Italy and what the Spallanzani Hospital needs most. Marta and I absolutely grant that the funds raised will go directly to the hospital, which will use them for the most urgent needs related to the coronavirus crisis.
We ask to all those who have read and appreciated ‘We the Italians’ in these years, and I personally ask all my friends to donate: please help Italy. Spallanzani represents for us all the doctors, nurses, researchers who are working tirelessly to save as many lives as possible. Italian heroes who need us, who need you.
Let’s show that the Italian American community is responding to the request for help. No amount is too small, and none is too large. Please help the Italy that you love, that you want to visit again, where you have your heritage.
Donate, share the video and the link, post it on your sites and social media accounts. If you are an association, please tell your members to participate, raise funds and donate them. If you know a famous Italian American, please ask him or her to shoot a video to ask to donate. If you are in contact with a media, a radio, a tv, a website, please share with them this, I am available to explain what’s happening here and ask for a donation. Please, let’s work together, we will give you credit and thank you officially. Let’s be partners. Let’s unite Italy and the Italian American community. Two flags, One heart
Many thanks from Umberto Mucci and We the Italians. I’m open to ideas to raise as much help as we can, together.

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