In Angoulême from March 25th to april 30th, 2017

Photographic Emotion is a festival of photography which takes place in Angouleme and the extensive surrounding area of the Charente, from March 25th to April 30th, 2017.

This year the festival hosts three guest photographers: Warren SARÉ, Jean-Daniel GUILLOU and Jean-Michel LELIGNY, each chosen to illustrate a facet of the theme, ‘History and Short Stories’ and 21 photographers selected in the works sent for the call for candidature: Bruno MERCIER, Michel CLAVERIE, Paul-Emile OBJAR, Brigitte MANOUKIAN, Christophe HARGOUES, Jean-Charles DEHEDIN, Anne-Lore MESNAGES, Arnaud HUBAS, Louis OKE AGBO, Arnaud MAKALOU, Baudouin MOUANDA, CUSHMOK, MNIHA, Nicolas AUVRAY, AMARAL ET BARTHES, Irina SOVKINE, JL AUBERT, Anna BAMBOU, Jean-Michel DELAGE, Emilie MASSON and Sébastien PAGEOT.

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