Co-production USA-ITALY: Delta Star Pictures meets in Los Angeles the Producers of Hollywood





Los Angeles – In these days in Sherman Oaks, Studio City of Los Angeles, various business meetings.   For Italy was present at this American meeting the 3D  film director and producer Jordan River (CEO at Delta Star Pictures) who declared the will to collaborate in order to create a bridge between USA and ITALY for new innovative projects in 3D intended for the international market, with particular respect to the IMAX 3D system.  At the various meetings in Los Angeles were present among others Mr. Michael I. Levy, Mr. Steve Braun, Ms. Julia Robertson and the President of Y.F.F. Shi Yanfan. 


In development of an unprecedented cinematographic project of various million dollars, that will show a co-production between Hollywood  and Italy.  The next appointment is scheduled in Rome with an incoming for the first days in May 2015, coinciding with the EXPO 2015 and with an organized collaboration with Rome Capital, other predicted names  are Mr. Doug DeLuca from ABC Television Network of Los Angeles. For the USA Producers,  a planned visit to the Technological Park of Tecnopolo and also Cinecittà.

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