Korea to reinforce education on Dokdo

Dokdo (Photo courtesy of the Northeast Asian History Foundation)

The Korean Government will reinforce its elementary education program on Dokdo, the islets situated midway between Korea and Japan on the East Sea (Sea of Japan.) The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology announced on August 8 that the ministry will further expand the distribution of Dokdo-related educational texts intended for primary school students.

“Getting to Know Dokdo,” a 70-page auxiliary textbook, was produced by the Northeast Asian History Foundation at the request of the Education Ministry. The booklet examines the history and geopolitics of the islets. The first edition was disseminated to elementary schools as a teacher’s manual in March, and an amended version will be given to 620,000 sixth grade elementary school students nationwide in August.

With the aid of the new publication, which contains several different methods for teaching about Dokdo, the elementary school curriculum will include a total of 10 hours of time devoted to the subject each semester, starting later this year.

Kwon Young-min, Director of Northeast Asian History Improvement Team at the Education Ministry, said that the development of textbook materials for middle school and high school students is also due by the end of the year.

By Hwang Dana
Korea.net Staff Writer

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