“When this concept of democracy is not respect also the Italian Constitution is at risk ,”

This' what is currently happening in Italy, with the electoral system , named Porcellum , and also for the constitutional conflicts unresolved for decades.

But what are these conflicts?

(1) In Italy in the past and now, always pass the concept that immunity may also be interpreted as unpunished '. In reference of the Article 68 of our Constitution. Only the first paragraph: “Members of Parliament can not be held accountable for the opinions expressed or votes cast in the performance of their duties”, would be enough to guarantee them protection against attacks by third powers. The rest of the article (second and third paragraphs) have been put there by our founding fathers to unjustly to safeguard our politicians against common crimes, which have nothing to do with immunity '. In sharp contrast with the first paragraph of Article Three: “All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions . And they should be abolished!

(2) Another Conflict is houses in the article 67: “Every member of Parliament represents the Nation and carries out his duties without a binding mandate. This article democratic 'has often been abused by “Scilipotists ” (term coined by Arnaldo De Porti), of all ages'. Not bonded to the mandate would means to exert their right to vote according to conscience, bearing in mind the electoral mandate. The parliamentary groups, the buying o selling the votes or go to the other political side, it is an anti-democratic practice, according the internal parliamentary rules. Where is the conflict? The continued is the continuous abuse of the votes of confidence from the presidency of ministers placed on drawings or laws. Restoring of the imperial mandate in act during the fascism!

(3) IT is ‘well known the adversity' of our politicians to direct democracy, ultimate goal of any western democracy,” the direct relationship between the legislator and the citizen”. We already 'spoken on the amendment of the fourth paragraph of Article 75, namely the abolition of the quorum for the referendum. Equating the active vote to passive vote, here's the conflict, dear readers, to elect a politician is not necessary to reach a quorum, however abrogating an unjust aw by the citizens must exceed 50 +1%, plus over the decades the political parties alternating have made sure that the quorum was not reached. A shame only of as Italians ! Last current shame today's March 3) is the refused of “Election Day”, which combine the local elections in May to the announced referendums, not only cheating the public, but in a situation of economic crisis, our Interior Minster take the luxury of squandering funds that could be used for the current crisis in the Mediterranean and the future migration to our country (about 300 million it would be thrown into the mare nostrum). Other conflict defect, is in the Article 71 (I know that I am repeating my self but it is not a disease), our founding fathers, in no uncertain terms, always in favour to direct democracy, they wanted to give special powers to the citizens: “The people may initiate legislation by proposing by at least fifty thousand electors of a draft law redact in articles. ” This too must be treated the same as the process parliamentary of bills. Of course, no Italian Member of Parliament, will present in the future, any constitutional bill, which goes in this direction.

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