Glasgow 12 November 2021 – On Friday evening, Greenpeace raised a banner reading “NOT FOR SALE” against the iconic giant globe at the centre of the COP26 conference hall in Glasgow.

Glasgow 12 November 2021 – On Friday evening, Greenpeace raised a banner reading “NOT FOR SALE” against the iconic giant globe at the centre of the COP26 conference hall in Glasgow.


Just days after a landmark climate study warned the earth is on track for 2.4 degrees of warming and three months after the UN’s IPCC report signalled a “code red for humanity”, talks at COP26 are into their final hours.


Greenpeace International Executive Director Jennifer Morgan said: “Right now this COP is yet to meet the moment. We’ve witnessed a deliberate and cynical effort by a few nations to create a charter for cheating, offsets and loopholes. Hundreds of fossil fuel lobbyists are here and their fingerprints are all over this conference. They want to buy their way out of responsibility for the climate crisis, this place is flooded with greenwash and we’re here to say our planet is not for sale.”


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