JinkoSolar Awarded with 4 ‘Top Brand PV Seals 2021’ in Latin America by EUPD Research

JinkoSolar Awarded with 4 ‘Top Brand PV Seals 2021’ in Latin America by EUPD Research
­JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. (the “Company,” or “JinkoSolar”) (NYSE: JKS), one of the largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers in the world, today announced that it was awarded with a total of 4 ‘Top Brand PV Seals 2021’ by internationally recognized research institute EUPD Research.

During the surveys conducted amongst EPCs, project developers and installers by EUPD Research within the Brazilian, Mexican and Colombian PV markets Jinko Solar was ranked highly on numerous parameters by players within these markets.

This is the first time that the company is awarded with all these recognitions in Latin America and it is undoubtedly an incredible achievement for the company.
JinkoSolar was actually awarded with ‘Top Brand PV Brazil Seal 2021’, ‘Top Brand PV Colombia Seal 2021’, ‘Top Brand PV Mexico Seal 2021’ and these 3 awards allowed the company to also be awarded as ‘Top Brand PV LATAM Seal 2021’.

The survey participants were enquired on various topics including unaided brand awareness, distribution width and depth, satisfaction and recommendation levels of multiple module manufacturers. The survey participants claimed that they are highly likely to recommend Jinko Solar to both their customer and peers.

Mr. Alberto Cuter, General Manager of JinkoSolar in Latin America and Italy, commented, “We are very proud to receive these 4 prestigious awards in LATAM Region for the first time. These recognitions by the downstream partners we work with not only proves JinkoSolar is the preferred brand to work with but also reflects our strong reputation and commitment to our customers as a leading supplier. JinkoSolar’s highly-reliable solar products and customer service have significantly contributed to the steady growth of our customer base across these important markets. Our strategy to innovate and lead the industry by setting standards continues to strengthen our position as the preferred choice across the different countries of Latin America”

We at EUPD Research are delighted to officially certify that the company JinkoSolar ranks among the leading PV module brands in Latin America according to the results of a comprehensive survey carried out among market intermediaries (i.e. contractors, installers, EPC companies and project developers) on brand awareness, customers’ choice and distribution. Results of the LATAM country-level surveys have clearly shown that JinkoSolar is ranked among the top with exceptionally high recommendation and brand awareness (unaided) levels among the surveyed installers, comments Daniel Fuchs, Vice President at EUPD Research.


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