The Scramble for the Eastern Mediterranean. The Perspective of the Regional Players – 29 June 2021, 3pm CEST

The Eastern Mediterranean has become a major hotspot for both natural gas and geopolitical competition. Past-decade gas discoveries have attracted increasing interests of both regional and international countries. However, last year escalation of tensions suggests that competition goes beyond the scramble for energy. What are the geopolitical, security and energy interests of the countries involved? What are the implications of main players’ moves and policies on the regional security context? Which factors can contribute to defusing tensions and foster cooperation?
The Scramble for the Eastern Mediterranean

The Perspective of the Regional Players

29 June, 3pm CEST


Panel Discussion

Naser Al Tamimi

Political economist; Senior Associate Research Fellow, Middle East and North Africa, ISPI

Mitat Çelikpala

Professor, Kadir Has University, Turkey

Alessia Melcangi

Associate Research Fellow, ISPI; Assistant Professor, Sapienza University of Rome; Non-resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Gabriel Mitchell

Director, External Relations, Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies

Zenonas Tziarras

Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)



Valeria Talbot

Co-Head, Middle East and North Africa Centre, ISPI

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