Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation / System Echoes / ARLES / July – September

System Echoes is an exhibition program focusing on the living, an uncertain living, in transformation and mutation. This living intertwines in marked and unique territorial contexts. The artists immerse us, by different approaches, into current issues related to migrations, memory, feminism or even decolonialism.


More than 60 artists, 15 exhibitions presented this summer at the Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation from July 4 to September 26, 2021 as part of the associated Rencontres program.

With the work of Mathias Benguigui, Jean Christian Bourcart, Jérôme Cortie, Hoël Duret, Alberto Giuliani, Elsa Leydier, Philip Montgomery, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz, Niina Vatanen, Anno Wilms, Barbara Wolff, the LesAssociés collective, the ParisBerlin> fotogroup associations and CHAUSSEE 36 as well as works from the Archive of Modern Conflict (AMC) collection.

Download the press kit:  here

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