Understanding Turkey’s Foreign Policy in Times of Transformations – 18 May 2021, 4pm CEST

In times of transformations, Turkey’s ambitious foreign policy has been particularly active both at the international and regional level. Over the years, the diversification of external relations has been a major feature of a multidimensional foreign policy in which the United States and the European Union no longer occupy the central place. How is Turkish foreign policy adapting to the evolving global system and changing regional order? What are the implications of Turkey’s foreign policy on its relations with the US and the EU? What role can Turkey play in the solution of crises in the MENA region?

Understanding Turkey’s Foreign Policy in Times of Transformations

18 May, 4pm CEST


Turkey and the West

Evren Balta

Professor of International Relations, Ozyegin University; Senior Scholar, Istanbul Policy Center, Turkey

Ian Lesser

Vice President and Executive Director, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


Valeria Talbot

Co-head MENA Centre and Senior Research Fellow, ISPI


Turkey and the Middle East

Galip Dalay

Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, The Robert Bosch Academy, Germany

Dorothée Schmid

Senior Research Fellow, Head of Turkey and Middle East Program, IFRI, France


Kadri Tastan

GMF-TOBB Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

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