Ukraine to host Billie Jean King Cup by BNP Paribas Play-off tie against Japan

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has today announced that the Billie Jean King Cup by BNP Paribas Play-off tie between Japan and Ukraine on 16-17 April 2021 will now be hosted by Ukraine.


The Billie Jean King Cup Committee voted in favour of reversing the choice of ground for the tie, originally scheduled to take place in Miki-City, in the Hyogo Prefecture of Japan. While the state of emergency has recently been lifted in the region, it could not be guaranteed that exemptions to travel restrictions for international athletes will be reinstated in time for the tie in April. The Committee made this decision to allow Ukraine enough time to prepare to host the tie.


The two teams will compete for a place in the Billie Jean King Cup Qualifiers in 2022. As the Committee granted Ukraine choice of ground on this occasion, the next two meetings between the two nations will take place in Japan.


The ITF and Ukrainian Tennis Federation have also confirmed that the tie will be played on clay at the Elite Tennis Club, Chornomorsk.


Further information about the 2021 Billie Jean King Cup Play-offs can be found here

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