Today we celebrate Saint Stephen, venerated as the protomartyr or first martyr of Christianity. According to the Apostles Acts, a deacon in the early church at Jerusalem aroused various synagogues members’ hostility by his teachings. The day for the leftovers post-Christmas and the ability to recover foods for new recipes for the “waste nothing” movement. When millions are having food shortages and alimentary difficulties, the need for food frugality is a concrete social responsibility.

Another important news came out of Italy just yesterday, discovering a new and intact Thermopolium in Pompei. The ancient city is indicated in the world as an example of protection and management, for returning Italy’s most extraordinary discoveries.

A Thermopolium was a street food shop, with dishes of all kinds, from snails to a sort of “paella compilation.” Large round holders contained food sold on the street as it was the Pompeians’ custom to consume hot food and drinks outdoors. A discovery that produces an incredible photograph of the eruption day and opens up new studies on the Pompeians’ life, uses, and nutrition. For those of you who have visited the “lost city”, the new Thermopolium stands in front of the ancient gladiator’s inn between Vicolo dei Balconi and the Via della Casa delle Nozze d’Argento.

The works of the last few weeks by geologists have brought to the surface the tavern’s entire environment, with its finely and richly decorated L-shaped counter and the vases with the remains of the food and cooked dishes Pompeians used to consume on the street. In one of the “pictures” re-emerged with all its sparkling colors, the inn’s environment is visible as it was to present itself to the customers, with its German ducks hanging, the counter, the dishes, in another a dog on a leash. In Pompeii, there were many places like these. In the excavations area, there are about 80 sites, none however so intact, with such refined decorations, splendid colors, and clean designs.

However, the restoration is still in progress. The work also continues in the laboratories, where the analyses already carried out on the spot will be accompanied by others to know more precisely the large terracotta vases’ contents.

“It will be an Easter gift for visitors.” “A great example of the recovery of the country.” All of it pandemic permitting.

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