A few words from the President, Comm. Hon. Santo Santoro


Dear Members and Friends of ICCI (Qld),

I hope that all of you are keeping safe and sound from the threat of the coronavirus, and that you are taking all precautions necessary to avoid getting this “flu”.
I wanted to briefly write to confirm that, at this point in time, we are proceeding with the ICCI Qld Inaugural Business Excellence Awards Gala Dinner.
The dinner is being hosted at the iconic Gambaro Seafood Restaurant and Function Centre and promises to be a very happy and fulfilling occasion.
ICCI Qld was fortunate to attract a very strong field of nominations and the judges had real difficulty in choosing from amongst the excellent nominations received.
Attendees at the dinner will be most impressed by the business excellence and high achievement of the award.
At this stage we have just under 100 people who have confirmed their attendance and the advice that we have received is that it is safe to proceed with the dinner.
Should the health circumstances change, of course we would consider postponing the event but, at this stage it’s full steam ahead!!
We hope that our members and friends will consider booking themselves into the dinner and enjoying a very special night out next Friday.
With my continuing thanks and kind regards,

Commendatore the Hon Santo Santoro
President ICCI Qld

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