March 14th – May 10th, 2020
10th edition

Circulation(s) is the festival dedicated to emerging photography in Europe. Each year, at the Centquatre-Paris and satellite sites in France and abroad, it reveals the vitality of young creation and speaks for the diversity of photographic expressions through unique exhibitions and events.
A stepping stone for artists, a prospective and innovative laboratory of contemporary creativity, CIRCULATION(S) has become, over the past 10 years, a must-attend photography event and a trend revelator.
This year, Audrey Hoareau, an independent curator, has been appointed as the art director to work in close collaboration with the CIRCULATION(S) art committee.
This special edition will present: 300 artworks, 45 artists, 39 projects, 16 nationalities, performances, events and surprises over 2,000 m2 of exhibition space.

Press kit here
See all photographers: https://www.festival-circulations.com/en/artistes/2020/

Press contact: Nathalie Dran
+ 33 (0)6 99 41 52 49

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