The 15th edition of the photographic Photaumnales festival organized by Diaphane, will be held from September 15th to December 31st, 2018 in Hauts-de-France

For this edition, in a year of multiple commemorations, the programme of exhibitions we are presenting is based on questioning the memorial relationship of photography to history by confronting multiple and varied approaches to this theme.

With the work of Martin Becka, Sibylle Bergemann, Arnaud Chambon, Almond Chu, Céline Clanet, Gaël Clariana, Cléa Coudsi & Eric Herbin, Thibaut Cuisset, Laetitia d’Aboville, Jean-Pierre Gilson, LiSungHua, Hélène Marcoz, Christoph Sillem & Emilie Vialet, Ambroise Tézenas, Marco Tiberio & Maria Ghetti (Defrost), Patrick Tourneboeuf, Susan Trangmar, Andrej Vasilenko, Sophie Zénon and Katia Kameli.

The international openness of Photaumnales is confirmed through the carte blanche given to partner festivals: Photolux in Italy, Kaunas Photo Festival in Lithuania, the Rencontres internationales de la Photographie in Gaspésie, Quebec and the Triennale Photographie et Architecture in Brussels.

Nathalie Dran / Press

+ 33 (0)9 61 30 19 46 / + 33 (0)6 99 41 52 49

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