Messaggio del presidente CTIM per la festa della Repubblica e 50mo Anniversario della fondazione CTIM

Dear countrymen,

I am so honored to celebrate Italian National Day ( 72th Anniversary Festa della Repubblica) with you , even though I have been in Chicago in past celebrations, this one is my first as President of the CTIM ( Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mondo) Organization founded by former Minister of Italians living abroad Mirko Tremaglia , and this year the organization reached the milestone of the 50th year's anniversary.

I am very proud of the Italian and Italian-American communities who, with great sacrifice and tireless efforts, have contributed to the development and success of Chicago and United States , and the strength of the relationship between Italy and the United States is based on the common values and historic friendship that exists between our two people. Even this year the anniversary of Italian Republic represents a solemn opportunity to celebrate the identity of Italians and Americans of Italian origin, and to strengthen the bonds which join us. It is also an opportunity to show our pride in our common roots and in the promotion of history, tradition and Italy’s cultural excellence.

I take this great occasion to thank personally and on behalf of our Organization the people that make this possible.

Happy Italian National Day to all.

Vincenzo Arcobelli

President CTIM

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