Italian Language & Culture Classes – Fall 2017

Italian Language and Culture Classes at the Italian American Museum

Please Join Us On Tuesday, October 3rd for a Meet and Greet and First Class

The Italian American Museum, in collaboration with the Italian American Committee on Education, offers Italian language and culture classes at the Italian American Museum at a cost of $300 for eleven classes.

We will have a “Meet and Greet” for you to meet the teachers and learn more about the program on Tuesday, October 3rd from 5:30 to 6:15 pm at the Museum at 155 Mulberry Street. Classes will begin at the Museum on October 3rd at 6:30pm.

We are delighted to offer the following courses, taught by highly respected and experienced teachers:

Italian l: Introduction to the Italian language, grammar, pronunciation and culture for students who have not studied Italian. Study basic expressions and structures; introduce present, future and passato prossimo tenses.

Italian 2: Continue work on conversational development and fluency involving common expressions and structures; reinforce and practice present, future and passato prossimo tenses; introduce more complex tenses.

Meet and Greet: Tuesday, October 3rd from 5:30 – 6:15pm at the Museum. Meet teachers, register for classes. Light refreshments will be offered.

Registration: During “Meet and Greet” on October 3rd; by mail at the address indicated below; or in person at the Museum.

Questions: Email: or call 646.320.0372 with your questions about this program.

We look forward to seeing you on October 3rd for the “Meet and Greet” and First Class.

Ciao a presto,

Josephine Belli

Program Director



Italian American Museum

155 Mulberry Street

(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)

New York, NY 10013

Tel. 212.965.9000

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