Different Drummer

a novel by

Catherine Gigante-Brown

Thursday, March 30th, 6:30 PM

Light Refreshments Will Be Served

About the Book:

“Everybody thinks they're going to 'make it.' But the truth of the matter is that very few have 'it.' And if they do, it's not going to be like anything they ever imagined.”

This is what happens to a dream deferred.

Set in 1979 New York City, Different Drummer chronicles Cara Funk (née Carol Finkelstein), a female drummer struggling to break out of the wedding music trade and succeed as a rock musician. Rapidly approaching 30, this is Cara's self-imposed last chance and she's willing to sacrifice everything to “make it.”

Told through journal entries and running commentary from a colorful cast of supporting characters, Cara's saga unfolds in a mad swirl of Sergio Valente jeans, drugs, song lyrics, decrepit rock clubs, cheesy bar mitzvahs, White Castle sliders, punk anthems and ruffled tuxedo shirts.

Different Drummer seamlessly combines prose, interviews, song lyrics and play excerpts to tell Cara’s story and has you guessing until the last page – will Cara ultimately triumph, go out in a blaze of glory or just fade away?

About the Author:

Catherine Gigante-Brown is a writer of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Her works have appeared in a variety of publications including Ravishly, Industry, Essence and Time Out New York, as well as in fiction anthologies. She was born in Brooklyn, where she still lives with her husband and son.

Thursday, March 30th, 6:30 PM

RSVP Code: DD0330

Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)
New York, NY 10013

Suggested donation of $10 per person

For reservations, please call the

Italian American Museum at 212.965.9000,

Email: ItalianAmericanMuseum@gmail.com

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