NIAF Official Statement: President-elect Donald Trump Nominates NIAF Board Member Vincent J. Viola as Secretary of the Army

Attribute to NIAF Chairman of the Board Joseph V. Del Raso

“On behalf of the Italian American community, the National Italian American Foundation congratulates our Board Member Vinnie Viola on this prestigious appointment. He is a patriotic American who served his country as an Airborne Ranger infantry officer after his graduation from West Point, and then earned a successful reputation in the financial community.

“His leadership skills are evident in every cause he has undertaken and America will truly benefit from these talents. His personal commitment to the Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point is just one example of how Vinnie has shared his success by investing in making America a better and safer place for all of us.”

Washington, D.C. – December 19, 2016

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Italian American heritage and culture. Based in Washington, D.C., it is the major advocate for nearly 25 million Italian Americans, the nation’s fifth largest ethnic group. To learn more about the Foundation, visit

Alex Benedetto
Senior Development Director
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)
1860 19th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
Direct: 202/939-3117
Fax: 202/387-0833
On the web at

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