A Year Around the Table with Family and Friends

Book Presentation and Food Tasting by

Edwin Garrubbo

You are cordially invited to attend a book presentation and food tasting by Edwin Garrubbo, editor of the Garrubbo Guide, at the Italian American Museum on Thursday, June 11th.

About the Book:
Pasta is the food of kings and paupers. It's delicious and healthy, affordable and fun to share, and so easy to prepare. These concepts seem fashionable now, but are actually the result of thousands of years in the evolution of Italian cooking. It's all simply distilled in SUNDAY PASTA!

Following the enormous popularity of the blog, Sunday Pasta, this book contains a year of weekly pasta recipes, each with a carefully selected wine pairing and illustrated with gorgeous original photography. You will also find fresh insights about key Italian ingredients, a guide to pasta shapes and sizes, and a handy Italian food glossary. Everything you need to know about pasta is right here, in an easy and beautiful format.

Edwin Garrubbo has been passionate about la cucina Italiana for as long as he can remember. He cooks a wide variety of Italian dishes, but loves pasta most. In his quest to find the perfect bowl of pastas, he meets chefs and visits restaurants, cooking schools, markets, and food artisans across Italy, and wherever Italians practice their craft. He is a citizen of the U.S. and Italy.

Ed's website, La Guida Garrubbo, is committed to the preservation and promotion of authentic Italian cooking. His weekly blog and newsletter, Sunday Pasta, which is the basis for this book, is now read by pasta lovers in over 70 countries worldwide.

Thursday, June 11th, 6:30PM

Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)
New York, NY 10013

Suggested donation of $10 per person

RSVP Code: Sunday0611

For reservations, please call the

Italian American Museum at 212.965.9000



*** Please Include RSVP Code When Making Your Reservation ***

For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call Jeannie Russo-Winner at (718) 597-1414
or email:

The IAM is chartered by the University of the State of New York and has a 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS. Update

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