June 2015 Calendar of Events

June 2015

Friday, June 5th
Suggested donation of $10 per person
RSVP Code: Neighborhood0605

Joint Book Presentation and Panel Discussion

Presented by Thomas DiGrazia, John Anselmo, Vincent LaBarbera and Rich Rinaldo

Joint book presentation and panel discussion by Thomas DiGrazia, John Anselmo, Vincent LaBarbera and Rich Rinaldo. All four men grew up in New York's Little Italy and three have published books about their experiences growing up in this historic neighborhood. Each author will give a brief introduction on their book and discuss their neighborhood experiences and how these experiences have affected their lives as adults and in their service to others.


Thursday, June 11th
Suggested donation of $10 per person
RSVP Code: Sunday0611

Book Presentation and Food Tasting

Presented by Edwin Garrubbo

Following the enormous popularity of the blog, Sunday Pasta, this book contains a year of weekly pasta recipes, each with a carefully selected wine pairing and illustrated with gorgeous original photography. You will also find fresh insights about key Italian ingredients, a guide to pasta shapes and sizes, and a handy Italian food glossary. Everything you need to know about pasta is right here, in an easy and beautiful format.

Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)
New York, NY 10013

For reservations, please call the

Italian American Museum at 212.965.9000


Email: ItalianAmericanMuseum@gmail.com

*** Please Include RSVP Code When Making Your Reservation ***

http:// www.twitter.com/IAMMuseumNYC

For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call Jeannie Russo-Winner at (718) 597-1414
or email: JRusso-Winner@ItalianAmericanMuseum.org

The IAM is chartered by the University of the State of New York and has a 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS. Update

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