Divorzio all'Italiana

(Divorce Italian Style)

Film Screening

(Italian with English Subtitles)

Directed by Pietro Germi

Starring Marcello Mastroianni


L'Uomo del Sud

(The Man From the South)

“Man From the South”

“Because I'm male, a true male,

from the roots of my

hair to the tip of my toes,

a total man, 100% guaranteed.”

Live “Monologue” Performance


Script by Aldo Nicolaj

Directed by Vittorio Capotorto

Starring Arisael Rivera

Presented by ItalyTheater

You are cordially invited to attend a screening of the classic film “Divorce Italian Style”, the masterpiece of Italian cinema starring Marcello Mastroianni, and a live “monologue” performance of Aldo Nicolaj's “The Man From the South” at the Italian American Museum on Friday, September 26th.

About the film:

Baron Ferdinando Cefalù (Marcello Mastroianni) longs to marry his nubile cousin Angela, but one obstacle stands in his way: his fatuous and fawning wife, Rosalia. His solution? Since divorce is illegal, he will devise a scenario wherein he can catch his spouse in the arms of another and murder her to save his honor-a lesser offense.

Divorce Italian Style is a comedy milestone–a brilliant, biting satire that was originally conceived as a drama; directed with nonstop inventiveness by a filmmaker who had never done comedy; and featuring an actor who, though not even among the first dozen players considered, cemented his international stardom with this performance. The movie also marked a breakthrough for foreign film in America, winning popular as well art-house success, Academy Award nominations for director Pietro Germi and star Marcello Mastroianni, and–the first of only a few foreign-language films to do so–the Oscar itself for Original Screenplay.

Friday, September 26, 7:30 P.M.

Italian American Museum

155 Mulberry Street

(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)

New York, NY 10013

Suggested donation of $15

To reserve a place for this special double feature, please call the

Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000


email: ItalianAmericanMuseum@gmail.com






For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call (718) 597-1414

or email: JRusso-Winner@ItalianAmericanMuseum.org

The IAM is chartered by the University of the State of New York and has a 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS.

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