Sights & Sounds of Carnevale in Italy

A DVD Presentation by

Anita Sanseverino, Joe Zarba & Lou Barrella

This DVD presentation will include festive music, photographs and live video from a variety of Carnevale celebrations in Italy. Come experience the 474th anniversary of where it all started in Tuscany, the fabulous masks and balls of Venice, the street festival in Viareggio, the colorful parade floats of Acireale and Sciacca in Sicily, the parade of horses in Rome, the communal dancing of Campania and the “Battle of the Oranges” in Ivrea. The enthusiasm of these celebrations will be brought to “life” so we can experience them for ourselves.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Italian American Museum

155 Mulberry Street

(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)

New York, NY 10013

Suggested donation of $10


To reserve a place for this event, please call the

Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000 or


For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call (718) 597-1414

or email:

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