Campisi: The Italian American Museum cordially invites you to take a journey that you will treasure, a journey deep into the heart of Sicily

by Laura Campisi

The Italian American Museum cordially invites you to take a journey that you will treasure, a journey deep into the heart of Sicily.
Taking a close look at the culture and history of Sicily, beyond its patriarchal surface, it is possible to discover an intense and crucial female world.

Women have always been both engine and cornerstone to the Sicilian social structure
by influencing it from “behind the scenes”. Through a careful observation of many different aspects, from the traditional musical repertoire to current social attitudes, the matriarchal origin of this culture becomes evident.

This is the kind of trip Laura Campisi is inviting you to. Come to meet the true female voice of Sicily

Thursday, March 29th, 6:30pm
Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013
Suggested donation of $10
** Seating is Limited **
To reserve a place for this event, please call the
Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000or

For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call (718) 597-1414
or email:

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