Caso Nave Costa Concordia -Da Houston: Per la Diffusione

Vi riporto per vostra conoscenza quanto esposto ai vertici della televisione americana CBS chiedendo le dovute SCUSE dopo aver visionato il seguente video
Jan 17: cominciando dal minuto 5.35 .

I have attached an official Letter for your kind attention and response.

To the Kindly attention of:
CBS President
CBS Exexutives
CBS producers
CBS The Talk Show Hosts

Italian Embassy in Washington DC

To Whom it may be concern:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I received many complaints regarding the “The Talk” Show of Jan 17: beginning at 5.35 minute and noted that in particular one of the Co-Hosts Sharon Osburne, made strong disparaging remarks against Italian men drawing from the tragedy of cruise ship Costa Concordia (owned by U.S. Carnival Cruise Group) near the coast of Tuscany.

While I certainly support the freedom to criticize, the comments used by Mrs. Osborne are as incorrect as they are baseless. Indeed, placing the behaviour of a single person, no matter how grave, on the same level as that of an entire people is tantamount to an insult, which I certainly cannot accept and wish to return to its sender. While considering the Costa Concordia accident it is important to remind that the passengers were brought to safety by Italian rescue units, whose dedication and skills avoided a much larger tragedy. And that, along with the failings of some, there also are stories like that of Giuseppe Girolamo, a 30-year old musician who gave his place on a raft to a child and has since been missing, that should be given due visibility.

Given that Mrs. Osborne seems to attach great importance to military heroism, perhaps the best judgement on the Italian military is the appreciation of the United States Armed Forces, who can rely on a contingent of 10,000 Italian men and women operating jointly with US and NATO allies in some of the world's most dangerous regions, such as Afghanistan, Lebanon and Kossovo, who gave dozens of lives in the fight agains terror. Indeed, it should always be remembered that heroism and cowardice have never been limited to a single people, and it is unfortunate to see a network with the prestige of CBS associated with such shallow comments.

I would encourage Mrs. Obsorne to refrain from further ethnicity-base humour, a relic of a past which we do not regret, and recommend her to visit Italy. She will find a friendly country, with individuals capable of surprising feats and a whole community which reacts to ill-informed prejudice with a smile.

Comm.Vincenzo Arcobelli
President Committee
Italians Living Abroad
Consular District of Houston

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