2011 Craft Trend Fair to open on December 15

Poster of the 2011 Craft Trend Fair (photo: KCDF)

The Craft Trend Fair will introduce the beauty of Korean crafts under the theme “Extraordinary.” Showcasing a range of work that crosses the bounds between up-and-coming and established artists and between traditional and modern styles, this year’s exhibition presents works focusing on daily life resources such as home decoration materials, home appliances, office equipments, and furniture.

The four-day craft exhibition, running from December 15 to 18, is organized by Korea Craft & Design Foundation (KCDF) and hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The annual event that started in 2006 leads the trend of crafts and receives a great deal of attention and support from craft lovers.

The Craft Trend Fair is a large exhibition attended by around 600 crafters and more than 30,000 visitors annually. The Creation Exhibition, which is the essential routine for artists to take part in, has selected 74 individuals and 20 groups through strictly anonymous screenings. The Industry Exhibition invited 112 teams including brand corporations, relevant associations, universities offering crafts programs, and NGOs.

Artwork under the topic of ‘Tea Table’ by Chung-ang University Graduate School (Photographed by Kim Yeon-ju from CAU)

“I am so happy to participate in this grand-sized exhibition and have an opportunity to communicate with a lot of crafters and craft lovers,” said Kim Yeon-ju, a major in fiber crafts at Chung-ang University Graduate School (CAU) “I hope the event will raise more public awareness about crafts.” CAU set the topic as ‘Tea Table,’ matching with the exhibition theme to express the irony that people in modern times feel abundance in everything but rather seek time and space for a cup of tea over conversation, she added.

Works by KCDF (left: plum flower heels, middle: lacquered cell-phone case, right: a case) (photos: KCDF)

Like last year, an organization from France decided to take part to showcase their work. They decided to focus on everyday facilities and jewelry to respond to the theme of the exhibition and plan to put the works on sale. The KCDF promotion center will showcase collaborative works manufactured by designers and eight artisans as well as Hanji craftwork submitted in a design tournament.

Meanwhile, actor Ji Jin-hee, who is also active as a potter as well as photographer, was appointed public ambassador to promote the fair. He is studyinging under the guidance of Professor Jeong Yeon-taek and will showcase his works and put them on sale in the exhibition. “I realized the artistic merit and practicality of traditional craftworks when I starred in some historic dramas such as Daejanggeum and Dongyi and I thought it is important to develop them in more modernistic ways to continue to pass down culture,” said Ji. He also added that he is very proud of being the ambassador.
(Ambassador for the 2011 Craft Trend Fair, Ji Jin-hee (photo: KCDF))

Besides the main exhibition, various small exhibitions are being organized. An auction on craftwork will hold a silent auction, and proceeds generated from the event will be donated entirely to social organizations. Also, underprivileged children have been invited to participate in making craftwork in advance of the exhibition to participate in sharing culture. Their creations will be exhibited at the fair too.

A Trend Seminar will also be held on December 17 at a conference room in COEX for the purpose of learning about the original meaning and future direction for craft and design. The first session will reflect on the values and traditions that Korean craftwork must rediscover. Following afterwards will be two seminars on marketing strategies for traditional and modern culture and the products and skills of craft designers.

By Lee Seung-ah
Korea.net Staff Writer

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