3D Korea International Film Festival

Official Selection “3D Choreography”, the first 3D video that promotes the choreography and dance, directed by Jordan River

The 3D Korea International Film Festival (Gwangju, Korea, 17/21 Nov. 2011) introduces 3D films made not only in Korea but also in other Asian countries, Europe, and the United States. About 50 feature and short 3D films from various countries will be screened. Approximately 28,000 people. This year to 3DKIFF was selected '3D Choreography', the first 3D video that promotes the choreography and dance, directed by Jordan River (among young european experts stereoscopic 3D cinema), and produced by Delta Star Pictures. This video is made with modern innovative techniques, with 3D live-action, Motion capture, VFX/Stereography..

3DKIFF is also a forum to the world to share 3D contents and technologies in order to improve awareness of stereoscopic 3D.

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