Singing and Dancing Italian Style!

The Coro D'Italia
Directed by
Marylou Romano

Come and enjoy a “Cameo Concert” as you learn of the legacy of The Coro D'Italia, America's first ensemble dedicated solely to Italian Folk traditions. Begun in New York City in 1932, the group has preserved and performed the native dances, songs, and costuming of Italy for nearly 80 years! Director Marylou “Mariuccia” Romano will be on hand to tell their story as well as members of the troupe who will perform for you!
The Italian American Museum invites you to attend a night of “Singing and Dancing”… Italian Style!
Thursday, November 10, 2011 – 7:00pm
Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013
Suggested donation of $10
** Seating is Limited **
To reserve a place for this event please call the
Italian American Museum at (212) 965-9000

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