From the desk of the Museum President:
Letter of Introduction from Museum's new Travel Coordinator:
Dear Member:
I am honored to have been chosen by the Italian American Museum as their Travel Consultant. I truly love what I do and especially enjoy making people happy through travel.
My love for travel began at the tender age of 6 years when my parents took me to Rome. This trip provided me with the initial experience of enjoying a family vacation while beginning to learn of the rich history of Italy.
We visited the Vatican and many historic sites opening my mind as to how much one can learn through the experience of travel. Our trip not only provided me with a memorable vacation but an educational experience which changed my life.
This love for travel and my enthusiasm to have new learning experiences has enriched my life. I wanted to share these experiences with others, so I started working a few hours a week at Esplanade Travel, Inc. It has provided me with a perfect fit.
In 1982, I purchased Esplanade Travel, Inc. from its original owner. Still holding to the enthusiasm I developed as a child, I transformed this business from a “Mom & Pop” shop to something much more…a travel business devoted to a continuous educational experience. I take great pride in my business and continue to be rewarded by turning people on to new experiences through travel.
Since opening my business, I have been afforded the honor of attending the “World Congress of Travel Agents” in India along with travel representatives from Middle Eastern countries such as; Egypt, Dubai, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey as well as representatives from European countries including the United Kingdom.
I have expanded my business to include “Continuing Medical Education” courses at Schneider Children's Hospital/LIJ/North Shore, Maimonedes Medical Center and Mount Sinai.
I believe it has been my ability to connect with people both professionally and personally which has made my business a success. It is the personal communication, which has made my business thrive in spite of competition. My clients are loyal and I am now servicing third generation families as my business continues to grow.
My personality, reputation and knowledge of travel has allowed me to be able to provide my clients with what they really want; personalized, professional service at affordable prices giving them unforgettable travel experiences.
I look forward to providing the same level of service to the members of the Italian American Museum.
Jeannie Russo-Winner
Travel Consultant
Italian American Museum
(718) 597-1414

For more information, please contact the Italian American Museum Travel consultant, Jeannie Russo-Winner. Jeannie has been in the travel business since 1972 and has travelled all over the world and can make your travel dreams come true.

Jeannie Russo-Winner

Italian American Museum Travel Consultant

(718) 597-1414

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