‘I warned Cameron over the hiring of Andy Coulson’, says Clegg as he distances Lib Dems from hacking scandal

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg warned David Cameron about having shamed phone hacking suspect Andy Coulson at the heart of government, it emerged today.

The Liberal Democrat leader took Cameron to one side when the Coalition was formed in 2010 and questioned why the former News of the World editor was a Downing Street communications director.

As pressure on the Prime Minister grew, Mr Clegg added to deepening divisions in government as he attempted to distance himself and his party from the 'murky practices' that have 'rocked' the establishment to its core.

Mr Clegg insisted that the decision to appoint Coulson – who has since been arrested – rested solely with Mr Cameron, signalling that the Prime Minister should take responsibility for the furore.

'I asked questions about some of the decisions about who was being brought into government, who had been active in opposition,' Mr Clegg said in a conference at Admiralty House today

Da Mail online

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2017217/Phone-hacking-Nick-Clegg-warned-David-Cameron-hiring-Andy-Coulson.html#ixzz1SmG5Qyjd

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