Schoolgirl sisters aged 14 and 15 ‘scoured internet for ‘easy’ ways to kill grandfather, 89, and get their inheritance early’

ï‚· Mother, brother and girlfriend 'all involved in operation'

ï‚· Victim 'battered with bricks wrapped in plastic bags'

ï‚· Afterwards, one of the attackers 'rang 999 to say man had slipped and fallen'

Two schoolgirls were part of a 'shocking' family plot to kill their own grandfather and steal his inheritance early, a court heard.

The sisters, aged 14 and 15, scoured the internet with their 48-year-old mother, 18-year-old brother and his 16-year-old girlfriend for 'the easiest way to kill an old person', it is alleged.

They are accused of hatching a number of plans and carrying out a savage attack on the 89-year-old dementia sufferer using bricks in plastic bags.

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