Culture Ministry opens Korean Cultural Center in Madrid

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism opened a Korean Cultural Center in Madrid, Spain, and held a ceremony to mark the opening on June 3.

The opening ceremony was attended by nearly 150 people, including Korean Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Choung Byoung-gug, Spanish Vice Minister of Culture Mercedes Elvira de Palacio Tascón, Juan Antonio Yáñez-Barnuevo, Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and influential figures from the government and the culture and art sectors of both countries.

The new cultural center is located in central Madrid, and is equipped with an exhibition hall, a function hall with seating for 100, a library and three lecture rooms.

(From left to right) Minister Choung with other guests at the tape-cutting ceremony to mark the opening of the Korean Cultural Center in Madrid, Spain // More than 150 people attended the celebratory ceremony to mark the opening of the Korean Cultural Center

There are currently 18 Korean Culture Centers worldwide and the newly opened center is the sixth Korean Culture Center in Europe.

Minister Choung said in his celebratory speech that the opening of the Korean Cultural Center in Spain will enhance Korea-Spain diplomatic ties.

The minister also expressed his hopes that the new center will help create an opportunity for artists to further enhance cultural exchanges and create new culture.

The opening ceremony was followed by a signboard hanging and tape-cutting ceremony, concerts by the National Orchestra Company of Korea and Spain Millennium Choir and other events.

Meanwhile, Minister Choung visited Brussels, Belgium, on June 1 to attend a traditional Korean dance performance to mark the 110th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Belgium.

Scenes from “Soul, Sunflower” a performance by the National Dance Company of Korea which was staged in Brussels on June 1 to mark the 110th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Belgium

Nearly 700 people gathered to watch “Soul, Sunflower” by the National Dance Company of Korea at the Brussels National Theater.

The performance captured the audience by combining Korean traditional dance with European jazz.

Minister Choung said he will actively support cultural exchanges between Korea and Belgium in meetings with high-profile figures in the Belgian government and culture and arts circles at the performance.

By Yoon Sojung Staff Writer

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