Companies provide programs to support multicultural families

The LG Corporation is dedicated to helping multicultural families through a variety of educational programs, including language and culture classes for children of multicultural families.

It also has a yearly grant for 70 students with language skills in Chinese or Vietnamese and the sciences, bringing them together with professors at KAIST and the Hanguk University of Foreign Studies in a two-year program.

LG also selects 15 musically gifted students each year to go to a chamber music program with instructors from the Lincoln Chamber Music School.

POSCO also supports some of the 180,000 multicultural families in Korea.
Through an MOU with the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family, they run programs including job fairs, forums and concerts to help multicultural families adjust and find success in Korea.

JEI is also getting in on the act, sponsoring Self Learning Centers to help multicultural families living in Incheon. Staff from JEI Self Learning Centers will give guidance to 392 students in need of help with their studies from March of 2011 to January 2012. JEI Self Learning Centers will also provide consultation and mentoring services and tutoring in two subjects for the students.

By Oh Jun Kyung Staff Writer

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