Concept Korea 2011 brings Korean style to New York Fashion Week

Designs for “Concept Korea 2011” (Photo courtesy of Concept Korea)

Korea is being given an opportunity to show off its latest fashion trends during New York Fashion Week. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced that it is hosting the “Concept Korea 2011” fashion products fair this February with the Daegu Metropolitan Government and the Korea Creative Content Agency as part of Fashion Week events.

New York Fashion Week opened on February 10 this year at Lincoln Center in New York. Korean designer brands Doho, General Idea, Lie Sang-bong Paris and Steve J & Yoni P will participate in the show under the theme “Cultural Treasures,” highlighting the color indigo, which has strong associations with Korean tradition.

(from left) Designer Choi Bumsuk, Steve J & Yoni P, Lie Sang-bong and Doho (Photo courtesy of Concept Korea)

The event will begin on Feb. 15 at the David Rubenstein Atrium in LincolnCenter. Some 40 pieces by Korean designers will be seen on the runway, and various Korean cultural contents such as food, music and performances will also be featured. New York Fashion Week Executive Producer Christina Neault and other fashion experts are expected to attend the show.

Models wearing design by Doho (Photo courtesy of Concept Korea)
During the show, Korean fusion cuisine will be served to guests, along with makgeolli made by world-famous chef Tom Colicchio.

As a part of the event, a showroom of Korean clothing brands will be open to local buyers in the Meatpacking District from Feb. 14 to 23. Buyers will be invited to meet with the designers in person to negotiate deals for the 200 products displayed in the unique, modern space.

Models wearing design by Choi Bumsuk (Photo courtesy of Concept Korea)
An official from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism said, “We are working to support Korean clothing designers as they enter the global market through projects like this. We hope this will significantly improve the Korean fashion industry.”

For more information, please visit them on the web at: or For Twitter updates, please follow: @conceptkorea.

By Jessica Seoyoung Choi Staff Writer

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