Object: Christmas Together for Abruzzo (after the earthquake in L’Aquila, Italy).
Dear friends,
I would like to ask you the dear favour this year of celebrating all together in the days leading up to Christmas.
The occasion will certainly be worthwhile in remembering our younger brothers who had the misfortune to fall in the L’Aquila earthquake (Abruzzo region) and will never again find the warmth of a father and a mother.
We have put together three events pertaining to this: meetings in Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, ideal locations for embracing the Italian-American communities on the east coast. The three events will be enlightened with great entertainment by Neapolitan musicians, and will see the support of our friends and colleges. Save the date: only us, as Italian-Americans, hold the ability from here to lend a helping hand to those need in need in our homeland!
Holy Savior, NorrisTown (PA), 7pm;

Auditorium New Utrecht High School, 7pm;

Everett High School, 7 pm.

The founding values -we would like to ask for a minimum donation of 20 dollars- this generous offering will go to the Casa Famiglia ANFFAS, town of Teramo (Abruzzo, Italy), just selected by the running club of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Montecitorio Running Club, in its course of the New York City Marathon.
In order to obtain the utmost benefit of the evening, we would like to ask to each one of you that can participate to please bring along yours friends and colleagues to this event.
It will be the occasion for gifting a new smile to those that have known only tears this past year, for renewing friendships between us all and to the same strong tie of solidarity that continues to unite our shared common values.
Thank you

Hon. Amato Berardi
Italian Deputy elected in Northern America

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