Korean Eye: Fantastic Ordinary

Following the success of last year’s inaugural exhibition, “Korean Eye: Moon Generation,” which had more than 250,000 visitors during its 16 week run at the Saatchi Gallery in London, a second exhibition, “Fantastic Ordinary” is now underway.

Shin Meekyoung, Translation-Ghost Series, 2007 (photographed by Hwang Dana)
The exhibition was on view through July in London, before touring Singapore in October. The exhibit created significant buzz in the art world, and helped bring international attention to Korean contemporary works. It returned to Korea for the G20 Seoul Summit, and will remain open until the end of November.

The works on display have been crafted in a variety of different media, providing a unique opportunity to appreciate Korea’s rapidly developing art scene.

This year’s Korean Eye presents 30 works by twelve emerging and established Korean artists on the theme of ordinary life. The highlights include a video piece by Jeon Joon Ho, depicting ordinary currency notes as a background for a humorous narrative, an installation of moon jars from Shin Meekyung’s “Translation” series and some of Gwon Osang’s funky life-sized sculptures made from hundreds of photographs. Meanwhile, in Ji Yong Ho’s iconic ‘mutant’ piece, “Jaguar 5,” transforms used tires into subjects of artistic inspiration.
Korean Eye: Fantastic Ordinary (photographed by Hwang Dana)
The exhibitions are organized by Korean Eye, an international imitative founded in 2009 to establish a legacy for Korean contemporary art by David Ciclitira. In partnership with the Saatchi Gallery, Korean Eye will continue featuring new works of Korean art for the next two years.

The exhibition runs November 30 at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center. Admission is free.

For more information, please visit the official website (English).

Korean Avant-Garde Drawing: 1970-2000

The Soma Museum of Art at Seoul Olympic Sculpture Park in Jamsil is presenting some remarkable works from the 1970s to 2000 until this weekend.

“Korean Avant-Garde Drawing: 1970-2000,” is a large-scale exhibition, featuring 300 pieces by 70 Korean artists. It seeks to trace Korean post-war art history by focusing on avant-garde drawings. It includes documentary drawings and original prints that reflect modern history, including abstract, experimental masterpieces by established artists and more recent works that deconstruct conservative and institutional art.

Korean Avant-Garde Drawing: 1970-2000 (photographed by Hwang Dana)
In the past, drawing was undervalued, but it has become an independent art genre in today’s world. In line with recent trends, the exhibition highlights significant post-war works from the frontiers of the Korean arts scene.

For more information, please visit the official website (English, Korean).
By Hwang Dana
Korea.net Staff Writer

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