Italian American Museum

Italian American Museum
Cordially invites you to the opening

Lecture for a new exhibition “Neapolitan Presepio”. The lecture will be given by professional photographer Anita Sanseverino, who will explore the origins and traditions of presepio as seen through her photographs now on display at the Italian American Museum. The lecture is the opening event for our new exhibition “Neapolitan Presepio” Which, in addition to Sanseverino's photographs, includes an original Neapolitan Presepio created by Maestro G. Ferrigno (Via San Gregorio Armeno, Naples, Italy) in the 18th century style. The presepio is being brought to the museum under the sponsorship of the Honorable Antonio Bossolino, President of the Region of Campania and the Andrettese Society of New York in conjunction with the Federation of Associations of Campania in the United States of America.

Thursday, December 10, 2009 – 6:30 PM
Admission is free, registration required.
To RSVP please email
Or call (212)965-9000
Seating is limited.

The Neapolitan Presepio will be on display at the Italian American Museum from Thursday, December 10th through Sunday, January 31st, 2010.

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