Due to the generosity of an anonymous benefactor we will raffle

2 Sets of Tickets (2 Tickets each set) to the

NY Yankees vs. Oakland A's.

All those in attendance on Thursday, May 25 at 6:30PM

will receive a FREE raffle ticket.

* Employees of the Italian American Museum and their families are not eligible to participate. *

Raffle to be held on Thursday, May 25th.

NY Yankees vs. Oakland A's scheduled for Friday, May 26, 2017 at 7:05PM.

cordially invites you to attend

a book reading and signing for

Murder in Matera
A True Story of Passion, Family, and Forgiveness in Southern Italy
Helen Stapinski
Thursday, May 25th, 6:30 PM

Light Refreshments Will Be Served


A trip to Italy revealed the murderer in my family

There had been a murder. She knew that much, and not much more. Helene Stapinski, a writer from Jersey City, had grown up hearing stories of the killer — who happened to be her great-great-grandmother, an Italian immigrant named Vita Gallitelli.


About the Book:

A writer goes deep into the heart of Italy to unravel a century-old family mystery in this spellbinding memoir that blends the suspenseful twists of Making a Murderer and the emotional insight of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels.

Since childhood, Helene Stapinski heard lurid tales about her great-great-grandmother, Vita. In Southern Italy, she was a loose woman who had murdered someone. Immigrating to America with three children, she lost one along the way. Helene’s youthful obsession with Vita deepened as she grew up, eventually propelling the journalist to Italy, where, with her own children in tow, she pursued the story, determined to set the record straight.

Finding answers would take Helene ten years and numerous trips to Basilicata, the rural “instep” of Italy’s boot—a mountainous land rife with criminals, superstitions, old-world customs, and desperate poverty. Though false leads sent her down blind alleys, Helene’s dogged search, aided by a few lucky—even miraculous—breaks and a group of colorful local characters, led her to the truth.

Yes, the family tales she’d heard were true: There had been a murder in Helene’s family, a killing that roiled 1870s Italy. But the identities of the killer and victim weren’t who she thought they were. In revisiting events that happened more than a century before, Helene came to another stunning realization—she wasn’t who she thought she was, either.

Weaving Helene’s own story of discovery with the tragic tale of Vita’s life, Murder in Matera is a literary whodunit and a moving tale of self-discovery that brings into focus a long ago tragedy in a little-known region remarkable for its stunning sunny beauty and dark buried secrets.

Thursday, May 25th, 6:30 PM

RSVP Code: MM0525

Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
(Corner of Grand and Mulberry Streets)
New York, NY 10013
Suggested donation of $10 per person
For reservations, please call the
Italian American Museum at 212.965.9000,
or Fax: 347.810.1028
Currently on Display
Presented by:
The Brooklyn Velodome Vintage Wheelmen
Guest Curator:
Michael Haddad

The Italian American Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of NY.
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Italian American Museum
Italian American Museum
155 Mulberry Street
New York, NY 10013-3734

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