Filmed on Thursday, March 13, 2014

On Thursday, March 13, the Italian American Museum presented a talk and pastry-making demonstration that examined the centuries-old celebrations that honor the patron saint of Italy.

IAM president Dr. Joseph V. Scelsa offered a historical perspective of St. Joseph’s Day, and the evening’s presentation culminated with the preparation of sfingi, the traditional Sicilian pastry of St. Joseph’s Day, which is observed every March 19th. Fulbright scholar Stephanie Trudeau provided additional information on the feast and displayed traditional St. Joseph breads.

There is probably no religious figure more entwined with Italian culture than St. Joseph, the husband of Mary the Blessed Virgin and the step-father of Jesus Christ. He is the patron saint of 10 nations, including Italy, where March 19th is observed as Father’s Day.

Another popular tradition, the St. Joseph’s Day table, has its origins in Sicily, where elaborate displays of food were made available to the poor. It is believed this tradition, which was always meatless because it occurred during Lent, evolved from a devastating famine.

Generally, the dishes represent the local harvest. Breads are baked in shapes of a staff, a carpenter's implement, a hand, the cross and animals close to the Infant Child at birth. Minestre–thick soups–are made of lentils, favas and other types of beans, together with escarole, broccoli, or cauliflower. Other vegetables, celery, fennel stalks, boiled and stuffed artichokes are also served.

In the US, many Italian Americans continue to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day.

Enjoy this informative presentation on the Feast of St. Joseph filmed in the Museum's new exhibit space.

Join Dr. Scelsa for a traditional St. Joseph's Feast.
Details below.

For reservations, please call 718.641.3469

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Italian American Museum table.
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For information on the Museum's Travel Program, please call (718) 597-1414

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The IAM is chartered by the University of the State of New York and has a 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS.

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