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G.B.: Mother pregnant with her TENTH child demands bigger council house on top of her £30,000 a year benefits

A mother pregnant with her tenth child has demanded a bigger council house in the countryside, despite raking in almost £30,000 a year in state handouts.Iona Heaton, 43, said her four-bedroom home in Blackburn is too small for her enormous family and complained that the property is cold, damp and festering with mould.The mother of nine shares the terraced house with her boyfriend Paul Brown, 45, and her children Kaiden, nine months, Zak, two, Keegan, three, Kian, four, Elle, six, Kain, seven, Jade, 16 and Shannon, 17. She also has a 24-year-old son, Sean, who does not live at home, and she is three months pregnant with her tenth child…..

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