Draws announced for Davis Cup by Rakuten World Group I and World Group II Knock-outs in November

Draws announced for Davis Cup by Rakuten World Group I and World Group II Knock-outs in November


The ITF has announced the draws for the four Davis Cup by Rakuten World Group I and World Group II Knock-outs. The ties will be played on either 26-27 November or 27-28 November.


In the World Group I Knock-outs, Norway have been drawn at home to Ukraine and Romania will host Peru. Winning nations will advance to the 2022 Davis Cup Qualifiers, while losing nations will compete in the 2022 World Group I Play-offs.


In the World Group II Knock-outs, Tunisia will play at home against Zimbabwe, with Morocco set to host Denmark. Winning nations will advance to the 2022 World Group I Play-offs, while losing nations will compete in the World Group II Play-offs.


The Davis Cup Knock-outs have been added to the schedule this year in order to facilitate the transition from 18 teams at the Davis Cup by Rakuten Finals in 2021 to 16 teams at the Davis Cup by Rakuten Finals from 2022 onwards.


The four nations competing in the 2021 World Group I Knock-outs are the lowest-ranked winning nations from World Group I, while the four nations competing in the World Group II Knock-outs are the lowest ranked winning nations from World Group II.




Norway (c) v Ukraine (s)
Romania (c)* v Peru (s)




Tunisia (s) (c)* v Zimbabwe
Morocco (c) v Denmark (s)


(s) = seed; (c) = choice of ground; * choice of ground was decided by lot

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