Fondation Beyeler – Invitation to the press preview and press conference “CLOSE-UP”

CLOSE-UP. Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Lotte Laserstein, Frida Kahlo, Alice Neel, Marlene Dumas,Cindy Sherman, Elizabeth Peyton
19 September 2021 – 2 January 2022

Invitation to our press preview and press conference
Friday 17 September 2021 from 10.00am

Dear Madam, dear Sir

The exhibition “CLOSE-UP” will present works by nine female artists occupying prominent positions within the history of modern art from 1870 to the present day. The exhibition focusses on the artists’ gaze on its surroundings, finding expression in the portraits of themselves and others.

You are warmly invited to attend the press preview on Friday 17 September from 10.00am and the press conference at 11.00am at the Fondation Beyeler, Renzo Piano Hall. Speakers: Sam Keller, Director of the Fondation Beyeler and Theodora Vischer, Chief Curator of the Fondation Beyeler and curator of the exhibition.

The exhibition centres on artists united in their emphasis on the depiction of the human figure – in the form of the portrait and the self-portrait. The French painter Berthe Morisot and the American Mary Cassatt, both active in the 1870s and 1880s in Paris, the then centre of contemporary art; the German Paula Modersohn-Becker, moving in the early 1900s between cosmopolitan Paris and the north German provincial town of Worpswede; the German Lotte Laserstein, active from 1925 to 1933 in Berlin during the later years of the Weimar Republic; Frida Kahlo, who worked from the early 1920s until around 1950 in Mexico City, during the consolidation and institutionalization of the Mexican state in the aftermath of the Revolution; the American Alice Neel, with a practice spanning the late 1920s to the 1980s, at first in Cuba and then in Manhattan, moving between Greenwich Village, Spanish Harlem, and the Upper West Side; Marlene Dumas, born in South Africa, who grew up in Cape Town when apartheid was at its height, before relocating in 1976 to work in Amsterdam; from the same period, the American Cindy Sherman, based in New York, the Western centre of contemporary art established by the new post-war generation; and finally, the American Elizabeth Peyton, travelling back and forth between New York and Western Europe since the 1990s.

Due to the current situation, seats at the media conference are limited. Please register for the press conference and press preview simply by replying to this email or by writing to Following the media conference, we will send out a video introduction to the exhibition for journalists who were unable to attend on site.

Interview Requests
All media representatives interested in an interview with exhibition curator Theodora Vischer are kindly requested to register in advance via Individual interviews will be possible from 12.00–14.00 in the exhibition rooms.

Precautionary measures
The safety of visitors and employees remains a top priority. When planning our events, we are observing the current regulations of the Swiss authorities. In order to ensure the safety and protection of visitors and employees, the Fondation Beyeler has drawn up comprehensive hygiene and safety measures that comply with the current COVID-19 regulations. This includes, in particular, measures to comply with the allowed maximum number of persons, distance regulations as well as a mask requirement indoors. We will inform you about new requirements and measures as soon as they come into force.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any further queries you may have.

Best wishes,
Dorothee Dines, Jan Sollberger and Sandra Pfeiffer

PR & Media Relations


Media Contact Italy


Francesco Gattuso +39 335 678 6974

Beyeler Museum AG

Fondation Beyeler opening hours: 10am to 6pm daily, Wednesday 10am to 8pm
Opening hours during Art Basel (19 – 26 September): daily 9 am to 9 pm

Lotte Laserstein, Self-Portrait with White Collar (Selbstporträt mit weissem Kragen), c. 1923, oil on cardboard, 32 x 24 cm, Private Collection Germany; © 2021, ProLitteris, Zurich; Photo: © Lotte-Laserstein-Archiv Krausse, Berlin/Dietmar Katz, Berlin



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