Letter to Macron 41

The President of France

To Emmanuel Macron

Palais de L’Élysée

55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris, France


N1 The Future Avenue of

Khor Virap-Mountain Ararat,

Church Khor Virap

The holy place of the old and


from Khachatryan U.

Dear Macron


Your football team is not playing very well.

In the France-Germany game, I helped Your team, then Your team won with a score of 1: 0, this is in the case that the Germans scored a goal own gate.

I have twice helped the French football team to become a world champion, but you don՛t believe in it.

I offered You (see letter N 40) to recognize the independence of Artsakh, in which case I promised to help Your team become a European champion, and I promised to help you become president again in 2022, but you did not take it seriously, even a few hours before the game I sent the letter N40 again to France and to Your embassy in Yerevan.

The France-Switzerland meeting was a very unpleasant surprise for me, as and France is a friendly country and Switzerland, which has adopted two laws about the 1915 Armenian Genocide. And whoever does good to my people, I never forget.

If the French government had recognized the independence of Artsakh, I would have definitely helped the French football team to become a European champion

You are a young man, although I am probably physically and by spirit more younger, but thank God I have become a little wiser, it would not prevent You from becoming wise at least a little.

You, Biden, the rulers of the rest countries of the world must dream of meeting me, for you will help my people in earthly matters, and instead I will help you tenfold, a hundredfold more in both earthly and heavenly matters.

Besides, whoever helps me and the Armenian people, he helps his children, his Homeland, because my goal is to make and Armenia a paradise, and also to make the globe a paradise, and paradise is not a big thing, it is the life of people on the globe without problems.

Finally you take my suggestions seriously, you are as arrogant as the Jews, the Germans, the Russians, they do not take my suggestions seriously, they have problems, especially it concerns the Jews and the Russians.

Now I offer You again, to recognize the independence of Artsakh in borders of September 27 of 2020 and I promise to help You become president again in 2022, and your football team will become a world champion for the third time, after which you must provide me with a loan of at least 1 billion euros for 10 years, for which I will pay 2% (20 million euros) every year.

Besides, I remind you, the rest of the world’s arrogant leaders, that Azerbaijan and Turkey were created on the Armenian territories.

80% of present-day Azerbaijan are Armenian territories, and the city of Baku was built by Armenians on the orders of the Russian tsar. 57% of the territory of Turkey are Armenian territories. Among others, France gave a gift to Turkey an Cilician Armenia, and the other part was given to Turkey by the United States, Kars region, Ardahan, Surmalu province, Mount Ararat was given to Turkey by the communists.

Justice must be restored to the Armenian people, and the Armenian people will restore justice to all honest people and peoples.


Best Regards Khachatryan U.

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