To President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Dear Merkel

Letter N1

To President of Portugal

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa


N1 The Future Avenue of

Khor Virap-Mountain Ararat,

Church Khor Virap

The holy place of the old and


from Khachatryan U.


Dear Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa


A few years ago, I offered you to recognize the Armenian Genocide of 1915, explaining that Gyulbekyan contributed to the development of Portugal, although he is not alive, but now he continues to contribute to the development of Portugal.

After writing that letter, Portugal recognized the Armenian Genocide of 1915, for which the Armenian people are grateful.

In 2016, in fact, I helped the Portuguese football team become European champion.

I do not hide that I have always supported the French football team, I even helped the French team to become a world champion twice, but in the final of the Europe in 2016, when France was playing with Portugal, in the opening minutes of the game I remembered how in 1920 France gave the mandate of Cilician Armenia to Turkey. At that time I was angry, I wanted Portugal to win.

20 minutes after the start of the game, I saw how Hollande was going through for that match, I wanted the French football team to win again, but, alas, God only listens to our request for something once. I remember that game very well, the gate of Portugal seemed to be enchanted, only Griezmann was able to 5 times scored a goal.

Thus, the Portuguese team became the European champion.

During the Portugal-Germany match on July 19, 2021, when Portugal was winning 1: 0, I wanted Germany to win or the game to be a draw, because in case of defeat, Germany would not be able to continue.

Besides, I wanted to show you that even Ronaldo can do nothing for Portugal to become a European champion.

By the way, in 2016, when Portugal became the European champion, Ronaldo almost did not participate in the games.

To be honest, I wrote the letter N32 to Germany and I hope that the Germans will finally come to their senses and start cooperating with me.

I will make an offer to Portugal once again.

Specifically, I want you to recognize the independence of Artsakh within 24 hours, in which case I will do my best for Portugal to become a European champion for the second time.

If you recognize the independence of Artsakh, even if Germany provides me with a loan of 3 billion euros (see letter N32), I will fulfill my promise to help Portugal become a European champion.

If even there are 10 Ronaldo, Portugal will not become either a European champion or a world champion without my help.

And to become a world champion, I need to be given 3 billion euros loan, for which I will pay 2% every year.


Best Regards Khachatryan U.




Letter N32

Chancellor of Germany

To Angela Merkel

Klingelhöferstraße 8
Berlin 10785 Germany


N1 The Future Avenue of

Khor Virap-Mountain Ararat,

Church Khor Virap

The holy place of the old and


from Khachatryan U.


Dear Merkel

A few days ago I offered You my help for the German football team to become the European champion, but You were silent, due to which France won with a score of 1: 0. I made sure that there was no bigger score, so that the French would not become arrogant and think that the French team was stronger than the German team.

I helped France in this game, because they always help Armenia.

The French parliament recognized the independence of Artsakh.

In 2014, I helped Germany become a world champion, you can ask the fortune tellers about that.

In 2018, I offered my help to Germany to make Germany a world champion, but you were silent and Germany team had a big failure.

Now I also offer my help for Germany to become a European champion.

For that, it is necessary for Germany to recognize the independence of Artsakh within 24 hours, or to provide me with a 3 billion euro loan for 10 years, for which I will pay 2% every year.

Many profitable enterprises will be built with that money, which will serve as a guarantee.

In a year, each euro will bring a profit of at least half a dollar.

By the way, I helped Sweden in the Spain-Sweden match, because Spain did not recognize the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

I supported Portugal in the Hungary-Portugal match, Hungary also did not recognize the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

Turkey and Ukraine also did not recognize the 1915 Armenian Genocide, besides, they attacked Artsakh in 2020, therefore lost.

So make a wise decision and I will help Germany in many issues.

Best Regards Khachatryan U.




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