On June 13th, the Knesset approved the new Israeli government by a thin majority of 60-59. The Yamina Party’s leader, Naftali Bennett, was appointed as Prime Minister to the first government in 12 years not led by Benjamin Netanyahu. Overall, the new government will count on a heterogenous coalition, which will likely undermine its stability. Will this new fragmented coalition be able to lead the country for the next four years? How will the government face pressing issues such as the appeasement between different Israeli communities?

Panel Discussion

Anna Maria Bagaini, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Nottingham

Janan Bsoul, Freelance journalist; Bylines, Haaretz

Nimrod Goren, President and Founder, Mitvim – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies

Peter Lintl, Head of Research Project, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)



Ugo Tramballi, Senior Advisor, ISPI


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