Talent Summer Courses and Opera & FESTIVAL

Dear Musicians and Friends,

we are very happy to inform you that the 6th edition of Talent Summer Courses and Talent Summer Opera & FESTIVAL will take place from the 5th of July to the 25th of September 2021.


Talent Summer Courses and Talent Summer Opera & FESTIVAL is one of the most prestigious and largest summer academy for young musicians with world class artists and professors coming from the most prestigious music universities for Voice and Instruments as Bassoon, Cello, Clarinet, Flute, Harp, Horn, Oboe, Piano, Trumpet, Viola and Violin.


Students are offered teaching by world famous musicians and will have wonderful opportunities to perform as SOLOIST AND AS SOLOIST WITH ORCHESTRA in more than 60 concerts because unchanged is the two-fold spirit of Talent Summer Courses and Talent Summer Opera & FESTIVAL: Academy and Festival.


We strongly encourage to apply for this exciting event which can enhance your career in so many ways!


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.


Kind regards,

Talent Summer Courses and Talent Summer Opera & FESTIVAL

Talent Summer Courses and

Talent Summer Opera & FESTIVAL
Via Gasparo da Salò 13,
25122, Brescia – Italy



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