ICCI (Qld) Newsletter – 2nd April 2021

As we approach Easter and we have just come out of a three day lockdown at ICCI Queensland we are finalising our program of activities.
Details about our upcoming activity will be released in a Newsletter, please stay tuned.

Young Members Cocktail – 11th February, Emporium
February saw us celebrating the success of the Young Members project with the launch at the Emporium Southbank featuring as guests Cav. Adj. Prof. Phillip Di Bella and the Consul for Italy in Queensland and the Northern territory, Dott. Salvatore Napolitano.
Thank you to the participants and to the passionate YM Committee that are strongly committed to organise and drive events that are tailored to young professionals. The number of Young Members is increasing and we are working to proposing a more comprehensive strategy of engagement.

Business Networking Lunch with Antonia Mercorella, 4th March, Tartufo
The first networking Lunch for 2021 was a topical discussion with proud Italian and  CEO of REIQ Antonia Mercorella. She shared a clear and direct analysis of real estate in Queensland and outlined the opportunities for Italian businesses to engage in the Australian Market.

Antonia has been supportive of the Italian Chamber of Commerce over the last twelve months, assisting with webinars and playing a significant part in the Young Members strategy.
This has been an outstanding lunch and we would also like to thank the Deputy Director of Mapei, Marco De Santis, for putting all his spirit in a brilliant presentation of  the latest project of Mapei Australia.

AGM – 22nd March
We have recently hosted our AGM and I would like to congratulate the newly elected Board, within which we can now boast a female Vice President, Cathy Pappalardo.
Congratulations to all the other members of the Board and both to Peppi Bueti and Santo Santoro for returning.

To the outgoing Board Members, Salvatore Gerbino and Peter Keyte, a sincere thank you for your assistance and support during all these years at the Chamber, we wish you all the best.

A video from H.E. Francesca Tardioli, Italian Ambassador to Australia was played at the AGM. Ambassador Tardioli expressed her support for the ICCI Qld Chamber and commended the work that had been done in 2020 under Cav. Filippo D’Arrò’s leadership. The Ambassador’s video is available to watch here.

Business Excellence Awards 2021 – Deadline for Nomination extended to 30th April 2021
The deadline to send your completed nomination has been extended to 5pm on the 30th April 2021.
If you have not submitted your nomination to the BEA 2021 please do so at your earlier convenience. Details can be found below in the Newsletter or you can read the Selection Criteria or Apply here.

Until next time stay safe and enjoy a Happy Easter.

Federica Marinatto
Secretary General ICCI Qd

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