American Italian Renaissance Foundation

American Italian Renaissance Foundation
537 S. Peters St. • New Orleans, LA 70130 • (504) 522-7294 •
FAX (504) 522-1657



Who: Louisiana American Italian Sports Hall of Fame Induction Banquet to
honor national and local sports figures and members of the
community. Proceeds benefit the American Italian Cultural
Center, and scholarships for college-bound high school seniors
excelling in academics and athletics.

What: The American Italian Renaissance Foundation will be holding its
26th Annual Louisiana American Italian Sports Hall of Fame
Induction Banquet to honor and celebrate contributions of
Italian Americans in the sports, entertainment, medical,
and civic fields.

When: Saturday, January 29, 2011
Cocktails and Silent Auction at 6:00PM
Dinner and Induction Ceremony at 7:00PM

Where: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel of New Orleans
Grand Ballroom
921 Canal St.
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

Hotel: A limited number of rooms are available at the Ritz-Carlton,
at the rate of $259 per night + tax, and the Iberville Suites,
at the rate of $135 per night + tax, for January 28 and 29.
Contact either the Ritz-Carlton at 1 (800) 826-8987
or the Iberville Suites at 1 (866) 229-4351 and mention
the “American Italian Museum” for the special rate.
Reservations must be received by December 29, 2010.

Format: This year’s National Honoree is boxing legend
Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini. The 2011 inductees are
veteran sports and outdoors writer Joe Macaluso,
retired Major League baseball outfielder David Dellucci,
college football Hall of Famer Frank Massa, philanthropist
Betty Lauricella, attorney and chair of the Federation
Advisory Board, Salvatore Panzeca, legendary musician
Louis Prima, Jr., and cardiologist Dr. Marc Bernstein.

Tickets: Reserved Gold Row seating $200 per person, and
Regular Seating $150 per person. A reserved table for 10
is $2,000.

Contact: To purchase tickets, please contact Bette Cadwell or
Alexis Ruffino, at (504) 522-7294,or
If you or your company are interested in donating a silent auction item,
or other sponsorship opportunities, contact Alexis.

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